Here are some answers to few of the frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Have Any Questions?
If you do not find an answer here, you can write to us at info@christnet.in or WhatsApp us at +91-7731993300
What is the eligibility criteria for these courses?
Each course has a separate criteria for eligibility. Request you to check the ‘Biblical Studies’ page for further details.
Where & how are these courses conducted?
Some courses, are being conducted Online-only in which the students can join via Zoom.
Some of these courses are conducted at our premises in Hyderabad. We are planning to extend few of these courses to other locations as well.
Contact our team to know more.
Are There Prerequisites or Language Requirements?
Registration for each course is a mandatory requirement. Furnishing of correct details & timely registration are a must. Most of our courses are offered in English or Telugu.
Can I Take More than One Course at a Time?
We recommend following a correct flow of the courses. Contact our coordinators to get a better understanding & guidance for your particular need.
Are these courses really Free?
Yes, few of our courses are offered for Free. At Christnet Academy, we strive to ensure all these courses are offered to you at minimal fee to pay. Every training program involves costs towards conducting & facilitating it; however, we bear most of it ourselves so that you are not stressed financially. If you wish to contribute to this cause, you can reach out to us at +91-9966334620
Will I be awarded any certificate?
Yes. Each course has a distinct certification system. Some of our courses are affiliated to other institutions, thereby giving you a certificate that holds a great value!